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FanPlus is a voting app that allows fans to vote for their favorite K-pop stars and reward them with ads from different parts of the world.

All voting tickets which fans collect and use to vote are provided by the app free-of-charge. To vote, users need to earn voting tickets or cash they can exchange for voting tickets. (Note that "cash" is only the term used in the app and does not refer to real life cash.)

How to Register and Set Up Your Profile

1. Download FanPlus app on Android or iOS.
2. Sign in with your Apple or Gmail account.
3. Read FanPlus Rule page. Tap on “Ok.” Confirm.
4. Agree to terms and conditions.
4. Pick a nickname.
5. Select your favorite star and your bias.
6. Complete your profile.
7. Enter Jimin Global's referrer code (#f1f5cee9) to receive 500 cash. Note that this can only be done 3 days after signing up.
8. Verify your mobile number. Upon verification, you will be allowed to have 50 friends instead of 3.

How to Vote

1. Go to the "Vote" section.
2. Look for and tap the corresponding poll.
3. On the poll page, vote for Jimin by tapping on "Vote" beside his name then entering the no. of votes you want to cast.
4. Do not use up all your voting tickets before the last day.
5. Check Jimin Global Twitter or other Jimin fanbases to know what time to use up all saved voting tickets.

Validity of Cash and Voting Tickets

1. Voting tickets from daily attendance: within the day, from 12:00am to 11:59pm KST
2. Voting tickets from friends, ads or promotions: 90 days upon receipt
3. Voting tickets bought with cash: 1 year upon purchase
4. Cash: 1 year upon receipt

How to Earn Cash or Voting Tickets

1. Daily attendance bonus
- Go to "Home" then tap on the calendar icon. 
- Tap on the square pertaining to the day of the week to indicate your day's log-in.
- Do this daily for 7 days to get your bonus.
2. Invite Friends.
- Get a user to indicate you as referrer. Both of you will then earn 500 cash.
3. Send voting tickets to friends.
- Go to "Home" then tap on "Friends".
- On the landing page, tap on "Send All" to send voting tickets to all your friends. You can send voting tickets to each friend up to 3 times per day, with a gap of at least 30 min.
- You can send up to 150 voting tickets to friends per day.
4. Receive voting tickets from "Friends".
- Go to "Home" then tap on "Mailbox".
- On the landing page, tap on "Receive All" to collect voting tickets sent to you by your friends.
- All voting tickets from friends should be received before 11:59pm KST.
- Use boosters to maximize the voting tickets you receive.
5. Watch video ads 
- Go to "Vote" section then tap on "Watch Video Ads".
- Finish playing the video ad that appears.
- For every 1 video ad you watch, you will get 50 voting tickets.
- You can watch video ads up to 30 times daily.
6. Confirm photos.
- Go to the "Photos" section.
- Tap on "+" in the landing page's lower right corner.
- Tap on "Confirm Photos" and then tap on "Confirm Photos" in the new dialog box.
- Confirm photos by tapping on "O". You can tap on "X" up to 50x. 
- Collect 100 cash as reward for Photo confirmation in the Admin Mail. Collect them before 11:59pm KST.
- If it says, "There's no photo to confirm yet," it means there is no uploaded photo yet for your bias. You can set more than 1 bias so you can have other photos to confirm.
7. Do games or missions.
8. Answer surveys.

How to Exchange Cash for Voting Tickets

1. A user can buy from the Item Shop (in the Home and the Vote sections) the following items:
- Charge VTs
- Friends VTs x2 Booster
- Friends VTs x3 Booster
- Add-Friend extension
2. After buying, you can check your bought item in your Item Box.
3. Use these to maximize your voting tickets.

How to Add or Remove Friends

1. Look for people who also vote for Jimin.
- Option 1: Go to the "Board" section. Search for Jimin. 
- Option 2: Choose from suggested Friends.
- Option 3: Accept friend requests from fans who also vote for Jimin.
2. Add 50 active friends. You can add more than 50 friends by buying Add-Friend extension from the Items Shop in exchange of cash.
3. Send votes to your friends thrice a day. 
1. Go to "Friends."
2. Tap on a friend you want to remove.
3. On your friend's profile page, tap on "Friends" button on the upper right.
4. Tap on "Delete" in the dialogue box.

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